Events Committee
Our Events Committee puts together several events throughout the year to spread the spirit of tennis year 'round and increase awareness of tennis throughout the community. Events works closely with our fundraising and Membership/Community Outreach Committees.

Fundraising Committee
The Fundraising Committee works on raising money for the PTA so we can keep local tennis courts in good shape. The committee seeks grants to help pay for big projects like the Leghorn resurfacing project.
The Fundraising committee works with the Events Committee to offer fun events that also raise money for special projects.
We are currently looking for someone to get involved in finding some PTA sponsors.
The Communications / Marketing Committee is working on maintaining our web and social media presence including working on getting this new website going (wish us luck!). This Committee also works on getting information out to community in other formats such as newsletters, flyers, and calendars posted at the various parks in town.
Membership/Community Outreach
The Membership/Community Outreach Committee works on recruiting and retaining members by working with community partners like the Parks & Recreation Department and staying in touch with our membership via email and social media. This Committee coordinates with both the Events Committee and Communications/Marketing Committee.
Follow us on Faceabook @PetalumaTennis.